Biodiesel fuel is easily made from waste vegetable oil at a fraction of the cost petroleum based gasoline, and burns cleaner than unleaded gasoline? I am thinking seriously of starting a alternative fuel club for the Mid South Area holding meetings in Memphis. The club will be geared towards making biodiesel fuel, and membership fees will go towards purchasing a biodiesel processor, and materials needed for the production of biodiesel fuel. Please leave comments if you are interested in joining.
Hello my name is Chuck Widdop, I have a wide range of interest. Associates Degree in Electronic Technology, which I have seldom used. I love using Ubuntu 10.04 the Lucid Lynx. I love tackling Technical Issues. Love to tinker with html. I love the power of prayer through Christ.
Pacific Ethanol Inc – Bill Gates the wealthiest man in the world just purchase $84 Million in Pacific Ethanol Inc. Ethanol, and methanol production will continue to go up as the price of oil barrels continue to rise. Ethanol is a renewable resource that is easily made from sugar cane. Biodiesel is easily made from waste vegetable oil, sodium hydroxide, and methanol at a cost of only 50¢ to 60¢ a gallon. Bio-diesel can be used for heating oil to heat homes, and power diesel generators for electricity at price cheaper than your utility company can provide. So, why are we not making huge strides to tap into this renewable source of energy? The oil companies are afraid they will feel the pinch. When Dr. Rudolf Diesel first invented the diesel engine it was his intent for it to be run from almost any hydrocarbon from petroleum to peanut oil. As the price of gasoline continues to climb higher, more people will think of purchasing diesel vehicles, which are easily powered by biodiesel with no modification to the engine other than the fuel line. Why wait for hybrid technology to catch-up with our current fuel crisis. Biodiesel fuel is easy to make from wasted vegetable oil at a fraction of the cost of gasoline, and it's better for enviroment than petroleum based gasoline. Biodiesel is even safe enough for human consumption. Can you say that about gasoline? Darryl Hannah in her video for CBS drank biodiesel with no known ill effects. Again can you say that about any petroleum based fuel?
Are you tired of paying almost $4.00/gallon at the gas pumps everytime you fill up?Hey, it's not going to get any better. Eventually it will hit $4.00/gallon, and stay there. Then please post this tag to as many blogs as you can daily, and let's get the word out about making biodiesel fuel now!